
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thrifty Thursday! DIY: Food Coloring Easter Egg Dye

In preparation for Easter Sunday I have found an awesome
 website on Dying Easter eggs with food Coloring!
This is a super thrifty way to do this (which is why I love it)
Skip to My Lou is the name of this cute website and it's loaded with a ton of
fun information.

A brake down of the cost of this project:

1. eggs $ 2-4
2. Gel Food Coloring $ 3.49 ( found that price on the web)
place I found Gel Dye

Thats about all you need totaling at about $6.
Egg dying kits can cost any where from a few dollars to quite a few, so why not use food color or something that you can use for cooking more than once.

Thanks for reading!
Let the Triduum { three days before Easter Sunday, beginning with Mass tonight}Begin!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wacky Wednesday: Styrofoam Cup Artist


Being an Artist 'almost' entitles you to be wacky. 
This guy, known as Boey, has taken it to a whole new level. He has become an artist 
by using the medium he had available at a coffee shop. He enjoyed the challenge 
of working with cups and has a very large collection of his works. 
Creating art work on different types of mediums can be out of the ordinary or even down right wacky, but it gives us a  new prospective about what is necessary for one to be great. 

I am not implying that it is ever ok to tag {graffiti} a building, but what I am endorsing here is that one should never feel restricted by the medium. We are all called to be great, but it is not until we realize that the medium is not our limitation but that it is our inspiration. We should not be upset with what little we have, but instead lets get 'wacky' and use the bare essentials.  Sheryl Crow gets it right by stating: " it's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have."

So here is where I adress you, the reader, to share a bit about what wacky project/s you have completed (or in the process of ) with a very simple medium?
 Please Share Pictures in the comments! 
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Terrific Tuesday! Robert Frost

'The Road Not Taken' & 'Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening' are my top two favorite Frost poems.
I had a very neat professor, Dr. Carlson, who taught me to truly appreciate poetry. 
 He moved vivaciously around the classroom as he recited memorized poems, and showed us how to feel the meter. Through his teachings I have ingrained poetry to my heart. He would often quote the last three lines of 'The Road Not Taken' 
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference. }

The first poem, with the help of Dr. Carlson, I admitted to memory is 'Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy evening.' 
The two poems are here for you to read, re-read, & memorize.
What are your favorite Frost poems? 

The Road Not Taken       
roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Musical Monday: Pontoon

Today it finally snowed here in Delaware!
But mentally I am ready for the sun and some pontooning.

If you are mentally ready to lay out in the sun please share with us your favorite spring/ summer activities.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Palm Sunday Cross

I made this cross after Church today:

If you made a Palm Sunday Cross
We'd love if you share your picture. It would be wonderful to see all the different

How To make a Palm Sunday Cross

Step By Step To Make a Palm Cross

Step 1.Take a palm that is about 2 feet long and 1/2" wide (if it tapers at the top, this is good!). Hold the palm upright, so the tapered end points toward the ceiling.
Step 2.Then bend the top end down and toward you so that the bend is about 5 or 6 inches from the bottom of the palm.
Step 3.About a third of the way from the bend you just made, twist the section you've pulled down to the right, forming a right angle.
Step 4.About an inch and a half away from the "stem" of the cross, bend this arm of the palm back behind the palm so that it is now facing to your left. Make the bend at a good length to form the right arm of the Cross.
Step 5.Folding that same section at a point that equals the length on the right side, bend it on the left side and bring the end forward over what is now the front of the cross.
Step 6. From the very center of the Cross, fold that arm up and to the upper right (in a "northeast" direction) so that it can wrap around where the upright post of the Cross and the right arm intersect.
Step 7.Fold this down and to the left behind the Cross...
Step 8....and then fold it toward the right so that it is parallel and under the transverse arms of the Cross.
Step 9.Bring it up behind the Cross again, this time folding it up toward the "northwest" direction.
Step 10.Tuck the tapered end into the transverse section you made in step 7...
Step 11....and pull through.
Step 12.Turn the Cross over; this side will be the front. Trim the tapered end if necessary, remembering that the palm is a sacramental and any part you trim away should be kept and respected as a sacramental! Use that piece for burning during storms.

Spiritual Sunday!

+ Palm Sunday +

   Today is a very spiritual Sunday -Palm Sunday- the beginning of Holy Week.
 This week we carry our heavy hearts and green palms in our hands as
 we reflect and meditate on the Crucifixion.  

While reflecting on Palm Sunday, I found this neat Video on youtube about: Palm Sunday, and giving up our will to God. 

Christ commands us to deny ourselves, carry our cross each day, & follow in His footsteps. 

"Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps." -Luke 9:23 

Denying oneself of one's own desires, is about as easy as trying not to eat the batter before the cookies are finished, yet saints are made every day. 

Carrying our cross each day, is as easy as trying to speak kindly of everyone, yet saints are made every day. 

Following in His footsteps, is as easy being eaten by lions,  yet saints are made everyday. 

In the end there is Hope! 

The original Holy Week, experienced by the apostles, was one of Faith, Hope, & Love. 
I Pray: 
That as you reflect on the Crucifixion this week you are given: the Faith to trust in God's will, the Hope to joyfully except His will, and the Love to fully receive His will. 
And that we are all able to support and & guide one another to choose God's Way! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: homemade goo gone

Being thrifty often leads to reusing things. Today's focus is reusing glass bottles. Love reusing glass bottles, but I am often faced with the issue of how to get all the goo crap off the bottle. If you or your friend have ever dealt with this issue I have found the perfect resource for you: goo gone recipe!

Thanks to Bev we can all have shiny looking glass Jars!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wacky Wednesday: Spring Peepers~ Pinkle-tinks~

Have you ever come up with some wacky tunes?
Today's wacky Wednesday is dedicated to spring peepers, the first day of spring, and to silly jams.

These frogs- spring peepers- are pretty wacky!

    During the winter they hibernate underneath logs, and fallen or loosen bark. Theses little  hibernators come out to sing at the start of spring
{these troubadours swoon spring to come out and play with their love songs}.

   They eat invertebrates; beetles, flies, ants, & spiders. The habitat of the spring peepers is deep in the forest or wet places. The peeepers are dependent on ponds, swamps, & marshes.
'Wikipedia on Spring Peepers'

     As for today being the first day of spring, I thought that it would be appropriate to talk about spring peepers and just so happens that my husband Mark and I wrote a silly little tune about these peepers {aka: pinkle-tinks, tinkle-toes, & pink-winks}.

I had a hard time sharing this song, so I made it into a video. I did not have any clips of spring peepers on hand so I had to you the clips I did have. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Musical Monday!

                                            Happy Monday!

It's raining here in Delaware and honestly it looked like a 'I am not going to leave the house kinda day.' I did leave the house today and worked at Kranz Hill Farm and made 150 soil blocks for the tomatoes we are going to start. On the note of not wanting to leave the house, I often have to motivate my rear to get in gear with an up beat tune. Mondays often need their own motivational playlist.

Today's Monday Music is: The Sound Of Sunshine  by: Michael Franti 

             Hope that your stormy weather, what ever it maybe, passes you by and the sound of sun shines down upon you this week! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St.Paddy's Day

As I celebrate the last 10 minutes or so, I would like us all to take a second to
enjoy the classic "Oh Danny Boy" by my favorite the Leprechaun Brothers  ..
The Best Version of Danny Boy Ever!! 

Spiritual Sunday

In celebration of a Catholic Feast day, St. Patrick's Day, I would like to share with you a video of our recently elected Pope! 

Pope Francis of Argentina has a certain charisma about him that attracts people to him, here is video that was taken of  Pope Francis in Motion !

Friday, March 15, 2013


Happy Friday! 

In line with the "TGIF" I would like to Thank God for St. Patrick! 
He is a real neat guy. 
He is the" Apostle of Ireland",
and His feast day is March 17th, this Sunday! 

Irish dancing is the traditional dance form seen on this holiday
but I thought I would spin things up a bit by presenting you with this 
outrageous video. St. Patty's Day Video !

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thrifty Thursday!

Paper Bag Flooring ! 

If you are thrifty,  don't mind doing an interior project, and eat lots of brown bag lunches
today's Thrifty Thursday tip is for you.

Thanks to Domestic Imperfection, you can now follow a fairly easy tutorial on how to redo your floors with brown paper bags.

Check out this site for more information!

Paper Brown Bag tutorial

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wacky Wednesday!

March 13,2013

Today's Wacky Wednesday is putting the spotlight on a sustainable Float House!

The creators, Catherine & Wayne, consider their home an evolving art project! 
What could be more outrageously awesome than living sustainably & floating at the same time?  Living  sustainable, floating on the west coast that is. 

Check out their video here!
Sustainable Float House! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Off-Grid Sites

   With the economy being as awesome as it is, insert sarcastic tonality, I have noticed that there is almost, dare I say, a movement towards going off the grid! 

Getting off the grid, is like taking all the great things technology & research has given us and meshing it with the traditional lifestyles of generations past; i.e.: farming, hunting, fishing, and all around sustainable practices. 

Off  the grid literally means removing oneself from the national or public grid; be it electric, water, or by simply being self-reliant in regards to public utilities. 

I have been doing some research (spending way to much time online looking at sites) on this type of life style. As a result, I have put together a list as a resource for people looking into this topic. 

This list will be updated as I come across other sites that pertain, but if you or your friend have a site or know about sites that would fit this list please share the love in the comment section! 

Thanks for checking out the Blog

Pax Tecum! 

Start Something That Matters- Blake Mycoskie

   Teresa, the great friend that she is, recently sent me a pair of TOMS and this book. 
Last night, as I read the last page of this book, I was passionately inspired by the mission of TOMS. This book has taught me of the importance of: having a story, facing your fears, and how to take the first steps.

 A famous Native Northern American quote states; "  Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever." 
As a an avid reader, I have found this to be so true. I have never been to great with memorizing facts, but I have always enjoyed learning; similarly, I have always revelled in the beauty of the truth (ex: The Summa Theologica ), but it is the stories that I have read that are engrained in my heart. Stories stay with you, because we are able to relate mentally, physically, & emotionally. Having a relationship with something builds ties and bonds between you and that mental picture of what ever the story is at hand. TOMS' story connects with the human heart's inherent desire to love, and really who doesn't enjoy some loving, for it is through the love of humanity that Blake was able to generate a company that gives shoes ( and now eyesight as well)  to those in need. Blake has redefined the value of story telling in this work. He has taken the value of storytelling and applied it to entrepreneurial concepts, aka he was able to profit by having a story. So sit back and read this story; it will remain with you forever. 

   For those of you afraid of what will be, like myself, you are familiar with the face of fear. This book made a huge impression on me in the area of fear. Often I am filled with ideas, but less often do I fulfill these ideas. Franklin D. Roosevelt in his inaugural address stated; " there is nothing to fear, but fear itself." This could not be more true, and Blake's story is one of overcoming fear. I highly suggest all you fearful people get inspired by Blake's ability to relinquish your fears. He tells the 'story' of his company plus various other companies that had viable reasons to have fear but overcame it. Entrepreneurs should more correctly be called Fear Conquering Soldiers, because it's really the battleground of fear we are soldiering against. Bill Cosby, yes, even comedians are faced with fear, states: "in order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." For every success we see, we are a witness to someone's fear overcome. So be not afraid, do something! 

  Baby steps, or whatever you prefer to call them, every action is started by someone or something first doing something!  Taking the first steps is often the hardest, and one of my favorite things Blake wrote regarding this is: tying shoes. His friend told him that he knew he would get done what he needed to accomplish, he is a competitive triathlon runner, after he tied his shoes. My first step is brushing my teeth, I always feel that the feeling of clean teeth is the first step towards a better day. To sum up how great the frist step is Blake writes:
 The most important step of all is the first step. Start Something! What if that idea you have in the back of you head is a really good one, one that might end up helping tens of thousands of people? You owe it to the world to act. ... If you don't do it, you are missing out on something big, and so are the people who could have been helped. 

  In conclusion, I would give this book 5 stars and suggest that anyone who has ever had an idea that they wanted to fulfill should read this & go get a pair of TOMS! 

If you want to know more about the TOMS story check this out: 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Bruised and Winning

Call me Jimmy Braddock; I've recieved bruises, fallen down in the dirt and exhaled grunts of frustration, but finally I overcame and took home the gold.
James Braddock: even his hair looks tough.
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: "Teresa you are a big jokester, you didn't fight anyone; you're just looking for a way to talk about your Irish boxing crush and hula hooping in the same post."
And you would be absolutely correct. 

Allow me to introduce you to J.B. : my brand-spanking new travel hoop from Hoopnotica! A big shout-out and thanks to Steen for introducing me to the travel hoop and the hobby of hooping.
I recieved J.B. about a week ago and since then I have learned many things; such as:
a) hooping tutorials on Youtube are hilarious and uniquely diverting
b) when learning to hoop around your knees try not to wear the baggiest sweat pants you own. This creates unnecessary bruising in the knee area
c) telling a perspective employer that you are learning to hula hoop and play the harmonica may give them the jolt that they need to "hire that girl!"
d) travel hoops are a great investment if you're planning to take it places (that's most likely why they named it the travel hoop). . . I mean, while having the 5' hoop tied to the top of my Honda with hemp seemed romantic and sprouted friendly conversation at Costco gas stations. . .this summer it would have bordered on burdensome while I am backpacking, white water rafting and mountain biking.
e) hooping and pooping rhyme and if you don't have the gift of proper articulation in the mornings: it may sound to others that your plan for the day is to "poop in the park"
This weekend I had a complete hoot twirling this thing around and learning to do a couple simple tricks. I'm so happy with my new travel hoop I may just take a trip to the past with it and show Jimmy that you don't have to box with people to get bruises. . . you simply have to bounce a ring of tubing off your knee caps for two hours.
Here's an ode to my new hobby of hooping:
Hooping is neat
It will get you beat
Stay on your feet
or you'll be dead meat*
*Just kidding. 
Anyone else have a hooping hobby? I'd love to hear your stories!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hand-spinning wool to yarn

        Hand-spinning is the art of making wool to yarn.

  The last five days I have spent assisting my grandfather in a rehabilitation center in Florida. During this time, I was able to start working on a new crochet project, a camo beanie hat, I am making for my husband. My Nana noticed how much I like my new found art and decided to bring me to a store called yarn. 

 Upon entering through the door, I noticed two spinning wheels on the left hand side.The sight of the wheels just made my heart light up!! I had been avidly watching people spin their own yarn on youtube, but never have I had the opportunity to see a live spinning session before.

 If this interest you, and you want to get in touch with your inner amish, this is a video I would recommend watching: 


  The two women, Laura & Marge, at the wheels could not have been more delightful. I honestly have to say that this experience was life changing and very empowering. It was so exhilarating speaking with other women with a passion for self-sufficiency and the domestic arts. The one women, Laura, has a shop where she spinns her own wool & dyes it. Her scarves are fabulous and highly suggest you check her out. 

Marge let me use her wheel and gave me the yarn I had spun 

 I believe that society has forgotten and even neglected some of the domestic arts. The domestic arts, ie: knitting, crocheting, & sewing, and knowledge of self-sufficiency, ie: widdling, pottery, & soapmaking, are on the verge of making the endangered arts & skills list. Understandably so, for in today's world we are no longer able to allot any amount of time for these such things, and it just so happens to be that it is also no longer a necessity to be skilled in these areas. On a happier note, there is hope! Marge had told me that this art is not faded & there are craftsmen that gather at the Maryland sheep and wool fest that sells sheep, sheers, spins, and knits all at once! I hope to check this out and give you an updated experience about that!